For me, third week is one of my preferred weeks because I learn a lot of new things that I can relate, use, and implement it in my real life. At those week, we discussed about the moral compass and ethical decision making.
The Moral Compass is the dynamics of ethical principles that used in reference to a person's ability to judge what is right and wrong which include five components that is virtue as a centre and four side elements that is individual rights, justice, care, and the common good- utilitarianism. In those discussion, we also discuss about explaining 'bad' acts which could be cognitive barrier, satisficing, motivation, and full power.
We also discussed about Ethical Framework which include utilitarian, rights, deontology, justice & fairness, ethics of care, and virtue ethics. Utilitarian is a ethical theory or something that direct us to decide based on overall consequences of our acts. Rights is an individual's entitlement to something or we can call it 'principle'. Deontology is an ethics of rights and duties which respect the dignity of each individual human being and act so as universal and humanity action.
In Justice and Fairness we learned about distributive justice (treats equal equally), egalitarianism (every person should be given exactly equal shares of a society's benefit and burdens), capitalist justice (workers paid in proportion to the work they have contribute), socialism, retributive justice, and compensatory justice. Ethics of Care is about our exist in relationship and our caring relationship with other people. Virtue Ethics is the attitude or character traits that enable us to be and to act in ways that develop this potential.
We also discussed about Ethical Decision Making. When I learned about this the class, I felt so excited because everyone can actually implement this theory for every decision that we make in our life, because actually we always have to considered about 'ethics' in our life.
There was seven steps in ethical decision making. The first step is determine the facts which means to look and choose the most relevant case. The second step is identify the ethical issues. For the second step, we can do it by looking for interrogative statement. The third step is identify the stakeholder which means mention all the individual that impacted by the decision and discuss why the could be a part of the stakeholder. The fourth step is considered the alternatives by looking for many alternatives and seeing the advantage and disadvantage of those alternatives.
The fifth step is consider how the decision affects the stakeholder by evaluate its alternative with utilitarianism, kantian duty, justice and fairness, ethics of care, implications for personal integrity and character aspect. The sixth step is make a decision by evaluate the chosen alternative with table criteria, weight, and rationale. The last step is monitor and learn from the outcomes.
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