Kamis, 16 April 2009

The Internet And the danger

In this various modern time, all people begin from child up to old often use internet. If children have a asignment from school about knowledge broad, so certain that children will to believe the internet. Even though now a people as if say, “there is no day without internet”. Actually internet is not cheap.

Certainly we know together with develop the technology included the internet now, and then sure have a side effect either positive or negative. In positive effect certainly we are know truly internet have some function. Such as enlarge the knowledge, enlarge a new friend, and enlarge a perception. Truly we are can teach Islam. And we are be able to chat with family or friends who live in the long distance from us with internet.

But a negative effect from internet is much as positive effect. The most popular negative effect in young about internet in Indonesia is addiction. Young in Indonesia many often addicted the internet. Such as I say , many people say “there is no day without internet”. Instead sometime a people forgot and leave the obligation worship to Allah. Actually in rule Islam law from internet is allowed or halal, but when internet make we forgot rule Allah, then will become make you to be sinful or haram.

And next example from negative effect is circulate the porn picture in internet, and very easy to accessible. Even tough the porn picture can damage moral nation people. Next is often a free sex in internet. Like to be a boyfriend or girlfriend.

So not meaning I invite all of you to not use the internet. But I’m just delivered a warning so that all of you excess to beware into use internet. Function that as good as possible. Don’t up you become forget you’re obligation.

thank you

-fafa- 100persen asli :)

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